Website & Services Terms & Conditions


Welcome! This website,, is owned and operated by Di Hill Wellness, ABN: 40709488903. If you have any questions or need further information, please email Dianne Hill at 

This document sets out the Terms and Conditions you need to be aware of when using this website or purchasing from me. Please take a moment to read it, as it sets out the terms of our relationship so that we may benefit from clear boundaries and knowing what to expect from each other.

When you visit this website, use my services, or purchase my products, you agree that you are over the age of 18 and willing to be bound by these Terms & Conditions. If you don’t agree, you should not continue to visit this website or purchase anything from me.

All products and services advertised on this website are offered in compliance with Australian Consumer Law.

These Terms & Conditions may be changed or modified from time to time. Please check back regularly to ensure you are aware of any changes. 

There may be additional, specific terms of service provided to you in relation to my services/packages/programs. If there is any inconsistency between this document and those specific terms of service, these Website Terms & Conditions are overruled to the extent of the inconsistency.

Content Disclaimer

On this website and in my social media accounts, I provide information about naturopathic, nutritional, lifestyle and functional medicine. This content is provided for  informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. While the information is based on naturopathic principles and practices, it is not a replacement for consultation with a licensed healthcare professional.

Please consult your general physician (GP) or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this website.

Content Policy

I conduct extensive research in order to provide content that I believe to be valuable and true but I have no responsibility for the use that you make of that information.

Please be aware that the generalised information I provide is not a substitute for specialist medical advice tailored to your individual circumstances.

There is no professional relationship formed by your visit to my website unless you explicitly choose to work with me by purchasing my services or products.

Any testimonials or results I may display on this website are based on my experience and those of my previous clients. They are not guarantees that anyone else will achieve the same results.

While I take all reasonable care to ensure that the content I create is accurate, relevant and up to date, I make no guarantees and disclaim any legal liability for inaccuracy, incompleteness or error. If you find something that seems problematic, it would be very helpful if you let me know!

I may modify my content at any time, including altering or deleting it without notice.

Visitor Responsibilities

You are responsible for your own safety and wellbeing while browsing the internet. Do not act on anything you read without first conducting your own research, consulting appropriately qualified professionals, and making informed choices about what is right for you, based on your personal circumstances.

It really should go without saying, but as a user of my website, you agree not to behave maliciously, spam any other user, post defamatory content about anyone, infect any aspect of my website with malware, hack into any part of my website where you don’t have my permission to be, or use my website for any purpose other than consuming my content, engaging in my programs, and purchasing my products or services. You also agree not to use my website or content in any way that is unlawful or harmful to any other person or business. If you do, I have the right to refuse you service and ban you from accessing my website or social media.


This site may offer paid and free downloads. While I take cybersecurity seriously and make every reasonable effort to ensure these downloads are safe and hassle free, I am not responsible for any viruses or other damage which might occur as a result of you downloading material from this site. Please make safety your priority and ensure you have adequate internet security to protect yourself against malicious interference from cybercriminals.

External Links

From time to time I may provide links to external sites. I have no control over the information provided on these sites, and the links are solely for your information, education or entertainment. I do not endorse any products they offer for sale and have no relationship with them unless otherwise clearly notified.

Disclaimer for Services

There are a number of ways you may choose to work with me that are available to purchase or book through my website. The terms and conditions in this document apply to all of my services and products unless alternative terms are explicitly provided to you.

I offer services to both clients and health professionals. 

For clients, I offer the following services:

  • Naturopathic consultations (Initial naturopathy consultation, Extensive return consultation, Return consultations and an Acute consultation)

  • Naturopathic packages (The WholeBody Wellness (3 month package), The Health Optimiser (5 month package) and the Gut Health Optimiser (4 month package).  

  • These services include a ‘holistic healthcare plan’ which may or may not also include supplemental prescriptions (products).  

My intention in offering these services is to support and empower you (the client) on a journey toward achieving optimal health and wholebody wellness. While providing you with the knowledge, skills and tools needed to sustain wellbeing beyond working with me.  

For health professionals, I offer the following services: 

  • Practitioner mentoring

  • Speaking and education

  • Creative services (health writing, marketing and graphic design). 

My intention in offering these services is to help other health professionals to achieve their business mission, with the shared goal of improving the healthcare system and supporting the health and wellbeing of individuals. 

Why Work with me?

I am a degree qualified naturopath (BHSc) obtained from Endeavour College of Natural Health in Perth Western Australia. I’m also an accredited health coach with a certification obtained from Accredited Health Coaches Australia. 

I uphold a professional membership with Australian Natural Therapies Association (ANTA) and complete annual continued practitioner education to maintain the highest standard of professional naturopathic practices. 

Provider Responsibility 

As a provider of naturopathic services, I am committed to delivering healthcare that is informed by the best available scientific evidence and naturopathic principles, with the goal of supporting your overall health and wellbeing. My responsibility is to provide information, guidance, and a ‘holistic healthcare plan’ based on your individual needs as discussed during consultations. I do not guarantee specific results or outcomes, as the effectiveness of naturopathic interventions can vary based on individual circumstances and health conditions. I also emphasise that my services are complementary to conventional medical care and should not replace advice or treatment from your primary healthcare provider. It is your responsibility to disclose all relevant medical history and current treatments to ensure the best possible care. 

What I Expect from You (Consumer responsibility) 

Important information about how to get the most value out of working with me is set out below. If you have any questions or concerns, please email me before proceeding with your purchase.


You will get the most out of working with me if you:

  • Want to optimise your health and wellness or you have short or long term health related goals that you would like to work toward achieving. 

  • Are ready to take responsibility to make and sustain realistic changes in several aspects of your life. 

  • Are open to trying new things or open to suggestions

  • If you understand that healing is a journey and healing is not necessarily linear.  You understand that setbacks are normal on the path to wellness. 

  • Are ready to invest 3-12 months to make and see/feel improvements in your health. 

  • Are ready to invest financially in your health and wellness. 


My services may not be suitable for you if you are not medically stable or you have a condition that would be best treated in an emergency setting. Please see your doctor or visit your nearest hospital for an emergency. 

You might not be a good fit for the services if you are not ready to commit a minimum of 3 consultations or approximately 3 months to working on your health and wellness (it is very rare for a health goal to be achieved within only one initial consultation). Naturopathy may not be for you if you are hoping for a ‘quick fix’ or ‘magic pill’ for a chronic condition. 

If you are not sure what service is right for you, Discovery Calls are an option or questions can be emailed.  


I will email you a ‘holistic healthcare plan’ after most consults (unless discussed that it will be delayed due to awaiting test results or similar) and will endeavour to have this sent to you within 7 calendar days. This may be longer from time to time. It is up to you to decide what you do from this healthcare plan. I encourage you to approach it with curiosity and an open mind.

You may be prescribed personalised supplements (herbal medicine, nutraceuticals, vitamins/minerals). It is important to follow the instructions provided as these are uniquely for you. 

Your prescription supplements or your treatment plan cannot be shared with others. 

Most functional tests come with a set of specific instructions set out by the laboratory. It is up to you to follow them to the best of your ability for the most accurate results.  


Just like taking pharmaceuticals, there are sometimes risks associated with taking herbal medicine and supplements. It is important to be transparent with all that you are taking so that I can check for interactions with other drugs, foods or other substances. It is important to follow the instructions provided. If you experience adverse effects, please notify me immediately or seek medical assistance if it is an allergic reaction. 

I may recommend lifestyle practices that have risks. I will discuss these with you but ultimately, it is up to you to make the decision about what lifestyle practices you try. 


Naturopaths are not conventional medical professionals. It is still important to have your own medical professional (eg GP) while working on your health concerns. Naturopaths do not diagnose or ‘cure’ any disease or illness. At all times, you remain fully responsible for your own physical, emotional and mental wellbeing. If you are taking any medication or treatments, this is not the time to stop.

If you are working with a different health practitioner, it is important that you inform me and continue any of their treatment plans. I am always happy to work collaboratively as part of your holistic health care team. 


Before making any major changes to your lifestyle, it is important to get medical clearance from a medical professional (for example, before commencing a new exercise regime, see your doctor or exercise physiologist for clearance). 

My work is not a substitute for medical advice, mental health support, therapy or counselling. If any concerns arise during our work together, I strongly recommend you seek advice from a qualified professional or support service.

If any concerns arise during our work together, I strongly recommend you seek advice from an appropriately qualified professional.



I do not make any guarantees or warranties about the accuracy of any material displayed on this website, or the products, services, or programs offered through it, except for any non-excludable consumer guarantees and other consumer protection provisions set out in the Australian Consumer Law. I am human and errors creep in despite the best of intentions. If you see something that doesn’t seem right, please let me know.


While I make all reasonable efforts to ensure that this website and my services/products meet with the highest standards of best practice, if something does go wrong that is not a direct result of my negligence, misrepresentation or deliberate fault, you agree that, to the fullest extent permitted by law, I will not be liable for any loss or damage arising out of or related to my website, any services or products purchased through it, or any material posted on it, irrespective of whether such damages were foreseeable, and regardless of the nature of the claim.


You take full responsibility for your implementation of any suggestions that I may make while providing my services. You understand that my advice is limited to providing you with options for your consideration, and that you are solely responsible for any actions that you choose to take. Always consult your own values and vision, do your own research, and check with appropriately qualified professionals before making major decisions or significant changes. You agree to indemnify me against all consequences arising directly or indirectly from your choices.


You expressly agree that if this indemnity is unenforceable for any reason, my total cumulative liability for all causes of action of any kind (other than negligence or deliberate wrongdoing) shall not exceed the amount that you have paid to me.

Payment Terms


All prices of services on my website are in Australian dollars.


Payment may be made online security through Practice Better which is fully encrypted and PCI-compliant. Practice Better Payments use infrastructure provided by Stripe. Stripe is certified as fully compliant with the Payment Card Industry’s Data Security Standards (PCI-DSS) Level 1, the payment industry’s highest level of protection.

For health professionals wishing to purchase services that require a custom quote (eg speaking and mentoring, creative work such as writing and graphic design), a quote will be provided, followed by an invoice with the option of an online payment or direct transfer. 


Practice Better Payments uses multiple layers of security to protect sensitive payment information. The payments tool is built using Stripe’s API integration to manage the secure collection and transmission of payment data. Your payment credentials are encrypted and tokenised by Stripe to help ensure that unauthorised parties do not gain access to sensitive payment information.

Please visit Practice Better Security Policy for further information 


Naturopathic consultations

For all naturopathic consultations (initial consult, return consults and acute consult), payment is due upon booking, before I provide the services.

Naturopathic packages

For naturopathic packages, the payment is split in to 2-4 payments depending on the package or there is the option of paying in full.  

  • For The WholeBody Wellness (3 month package), the first payment is due upon booking (before the first consult) and the remainder is due before consult 2. 

  • For The Health Optimiser (5 month package), The first payment is due at signup, followed by 3 further payments, at the end of month 1, 2 and 3. 

  • For the Gut Health Optimiser (4 month package), the first payment is due upon booking (before the first consult) and the remainder is due before consult 2. 

Please review the cancellation policy for payment terms in relation to cancellations or ‘change of mind’. 


  • Prescribed supplements/products are an additional fee and are prescribed through an online supplement distributor such as and Oborne Health. Other online supplement distributors may be used from time to time. Payment is required to the company before the product is dispatched. Each supplement distributor has different payment terms and care should be taken to read each of their terms if you have any questions. 

  • For prescription herbals, I have a small dispensary of herbal that can either be dispensed in Perth or I may use one of my distributors such as Inner Bloom, Ariya Health or Natural Scripts for those outside of Perth. Other distributors may be used from time to time. The payment is required before the custom herbal is made for you. 

  • Shipping, handling and dispensing fees will vary depending on the product and disruptor. Please check you are happy to proceed with the shipping, handling or dispensing fee before purchasing the product. 


  • Payment for e-books is required before the ebook is emailed to you. Ebooks are non-refundable as you have access to my intellectual property. 

For health professionals

  • For Health Mentoring (1 hour), payment is due upon booking, before I provide the services.

  • The same cancellation policy applies (as above)  

  • For health professional services (speaking, education, creative work etc), the payment terms will depend on the nature of the work involved and it will be discussed in detail in your quotation and terms of service relating to that job. 


Payment plans are offered for your convenience only, so you can spread your payment out over time. It is your responsibility to ensure you have sufficient funds to make payment instalments on time. Constellations will not proceed until payments have been made prior (including those for packages). 


If an invoice is more than 30 days overdue, you agree to pay all costs, including debt collection agency fees and solicitor’s costs, that I may incur in taking steps to recover any money that you owe to me, regardless of whether legal proceedings are issued in relation to the debt.

Refund Policy


I do not offer a refund if you change your mind, so you are encouraged to consider carefully whether a purchase is right for you before you make your payment. 


Order fulfilment policies will be determined by each supplement distributor - please refer to the distributors website if you have any questions. 


I am not liable to replacement products that are not purchased directly through me. Please view the terms and conditions where the product was purchased from. Please notify me of any damages, minor defects or wrong products immediately so that I can also contact the supplement distributor on your behalf to resolve the issue. 


Minor problems 

If you experience a minor issue with our services or products, I will promptly and professionally address the problem. This may include, but is not limited to:

  • Providing a remedy to correct the issue.

  • Offering a partial refund if the issue cannot be fully resolved.

  • Rescheduling your appointment at no additional cost.

Major Problems

In the rare event of a major problem with our services or products, you are entitled to choose one of the following remedies:

  • Refund: You may request a full refund for the service or product that did not meet your expectations. This excludes services or products which include intellectual property.  

  • Replacement: As discussed above. Replacements of products are not arranged directly through me but it may be arranged through my distributors. 

  • Compensation: If the problem has caused significant inconvenience or loss, you may be entitled to compensation.

Find out more about Australian consumer rights here:  


I take my obligations under Australian Consumer Law seriously and will do my best to address any issues that arise. However, even if there is a major problem, my liability is strictly limited to:

  • replacing the goods or providing the services again; or

  • if I am unable to do so within a reasonable time, refunding the full amount that you have paid to me.


If you feel that there is any problem with my services or your purchase, please let me know within 7 days. I am keen to understand what has gone wrong if you are unhappy so that I can address your concerns and try to find a mutually acceptable solution.

Delivery and Shipping


If anything is unclear or confusing about the delivery of your goods from any supplement distributor or functional testing lab, I encourage you to reach out to me so I can provide clarification.


Please read the delivery information on the supplement or functional testing lab website for shipping information in regards to your goods. I do not personally ship products to you myself. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me. 

Cancellation Policies

Please read my ‘Cancellation Policy’. This may be updated from time to time so please ensure you read it before you purchase each consultation.  

Intellectual Property

Copyright & Trade Secrets


The content of this website, social media posts and in all my programs/resources/eBooks/protocols is protected by copyright laws and treaties around the world, with all rights reserved. This means that you must not use, copy, modify or make my work public without my permission.

You are welcome to share social media posts, website links, blog posts or other publicly available content through social media, but you must provide a link back to this website.

You may not copy or reproduce any part of my publicly available content without my written consent. This means no copying or downloading under any circumstances. 

If you are participating in my programs/packages/courses, content may be printed or downloaded to a local hard disk strictly for your personal and non-commercial use. Course content contains my trade secrets that are offered exclusively to participants. It is an essential condition of participation that you agree that you will not provide extracts of any program/course content to anyone else under any circumstances, as this will be a breach of the copyright provisions mentioned above. 

Commercial exploitation of my content in any way that competes with my business is strictly prohibited.

You may link to content on my website or social media profiles, provided you do so in a way that is fair and legal and does not damage my reputation or take advantage of it. However, you must not suggest any form of association, approval or endorsement on my part where none exists.


I own the unregistered trade marks, logos, and service marks displayed on this website. These trade marks may not be used in connection with any other product or service without a licence, or in any way that is likely to cause confusion in the marketplace, or in any manner that disparages my business.

I claim ownership of my logo and Di Hill WellnessTM as an unregistered trade mark. I also claim ownership of the unregistered trade marks “Wholebody WellnessTM, Your path to Wholebody WellnessTM, The Health OptimiserTM. These trade marks and logos may not be used without my express permission. 

Respectful Communication


I reserve the right to moderate any comments made on this website, in the Facebook Groups I control, and on any of my social media pages and profiles, including deleting comments that I deem to be rude, offensive, spammy or unacceptable, without any notification or correspondence with you. Keep all communication kind and polite, please.


Disrespectful or aggressive behaviour towards me or anybody else will not be tolerated and may result in removal from the social media pages or the program itself. 

Dispute Resolution & Jurisdiction


If a dispute arises, you agree that you will not engage in any public discussion about the issues, will behave politely towards me, and will avoid any conduct or communication which might reasonably be expected to interfere with my business or personal interests. You agree to act in good faith and be reasonably cooperative at all stages of the dispute resolution process.  I will treat you with the same consideration.


If you have any concerns, issues, or complaints arising out of your use of this website, my products or services, or these terms and conditions, you agree to communicate with me with the intention of making a genuine effort to seek a win/win solution and trying to resolve the dispute in good faith through negotiation and discussion. Please email me at and expect a response within 5 business days.


If there is a problem, you agree to arrange a meeting with me in good faith to discuss it and try to make a genuine effort to find a win-win solution. If the problem cannot be resolved within a reasonable time, you agree to pursue mediation and alternative methods of dispute resolution, with litigation being a last resort. I commit to making a similar effort to resolve any disputes in a friendly manner.

You may access the complaints procedure offered by Australian Natural Therapies Association here: 


These Website Terms & Conditions are subject to the governing law of Western Australia. Regardless of where you live in the world, you irrevocably agree that if the dispute resolution processes fail, the courts of Western Australia, and the Commonwealth of Australia, will have exclusive jurisdiction.

Thank you for reading & respecting my T&Cs

This document was created with the support of Carefree Counsel. Copying it without permission is a breach of copyright, and really bad business practice. Show respect for us, yourself and your clients by creating your own legal documents.  

Terms & Conditions last updated August 2024