Di Hill Welness - Personalised naturopathic care emphasising women’s health, hormone balance, and gut health.

Your path to optimal health & wholebody wellness


“Empowering you to achieve optimal health & wholebody wellness through naturopathic, nutritional, lifestyle and functional medicine, without the overwhelm, while maintaining a balanced, value driven life”

Achieve wholebody wellness through integrative medicine, naturopathy, and nutritional guidance.
Di Hill, Naturopath, Accredited Health Coach, providing support and education for sustainable wellness.


Di Hill

Clinical Naturopath (BHSc) 
Accredited Health Coach 
Health Educator & Creative

Oh hey! My name’s Di - I’m a degree qualified naturopath (BHSc), functional medicine practitioner and accredited health coach practising online Australia-wide from Perth, Western Australia. I’m also a health educator, mentor and creative! I combine all of these modalities with the best available science, traditional wisdom and insights from my lived experience to empower you on the path toward achieving optimal health and wholebody wellness. 

are you feeling….

  • Overwhelmed or confused by conflicting health advice?

  • Anxious about your health and seeking a more holistic approach?

  • Disappointed at being rushed and not feeling heard, seen or understood? 

  • Discouraged by the lack of progress despite trying various treatments?

  • Unsure about what the heck to eat? 

  • Confused about why your symptoms persist despite trying 'all the things'?

  • Isolated and unsupported in your health journey?

  • Exhausted from dealing with chronic pain or fatigue?

  • Frustrated when basic test results say ‘everything’ is ‘normal’?

focus on preventive care and optimising your healthspan
Holistic care that addresses not just symptoms

imagine experiencing….

  • Feeling seen, heard and understood, without being rushed.

  • A personalised approach that considers your unique health history and wholebody wellness.

  • Holistic care that addresses not just symptoms, but the underlying causes of your health issues.

  • Supportive and ongoing guidance, ensuring you never feel alone in your health journey.

  • Comprehensive individualised treatment plans that integrate naturopathic, nutritional, and lifestyle interventions.

  • A partnership with a practitioner who listens and collaborates with you to create an effective, individualised wellness plan.

  • Improvement in your overall well-being, with a focus on preventive care and optimising your healthspan. 

  • Enhanced energy levels, increased resilience to stress and more vitality.

  • A deeper understanding of your body and its needs, empowering you to make informed decisions about your health.

  • The peace of mind that comes from knowing you are in capable and compassionate hands, committed to your well-being.

  • Feeling confident that you have the knowledge, skills and tools to achieve your optimal health

work with me

Empowering individuals to take control of their health through naturopathic and functional medicine.
Di Hill offering online consultations Australia-wide, supporting clients on their health journeys.



There are numerous consultation types available based on your ever changing needs. We start with a comprehensive holistic health assessment where we delve into your health complaints and explore your medical history, diet, genetic factors, lifestyle and the functioning of your body systems. Your healing journey usually goes in this order:

Holistic health services including naturopathy, functional testing, and lifestyle interventions.



Naturopathic packages give you the VIP service that covers everything you need to embark on the journey toward achieving optimal health and wholebody wellness. We cover everything in the usual naturopathic consults (see all services) with the addition of bonus extras and the ability to message me privately for real-time check-ins. The packages are designed to provide you with the knowledge, skills and tools to optimise your health beyond your work with me.

Guiding clients towards optimal health with evidence-based naturopathy and personalised care.
Supportive and compassionate care from Di Hill, specialising in chronic conditions and preventive health.


for health professionals

Our bodies are always working to return back to a state of balance / homeostasis. Establishing the conditions for optimal health is an integral part of the healing journey. 


What I can help with…

    • Endometriosis

    • Adenomyosis

    • PCOS

    • PMS

    • PMDD

    • Dysmenorrhea 

    • Menorrhagia 

    • Hypothalamic amenorrhea

    • Premature ovarian insufficiency

    • Hypothalamic pituitary ovarian axis dysfunction

    • Perimenopause / menopause 

    • Vaginal health

    • STI’s

    • Urinary tract infections

    • Breast implant illness 

    • Hormone optimisation 

    • Fibroids 

    • Functional hormone testing (eg DUTCH test)

    • Fertility

    • Infertility / subfertility (male and female) 

    • Preconception planning

    • Recurrent miscarriage 

    • Integrative naturopathic IVF support 

    • Pregnancy & birth support 

    • Lactation support 

    • Postnatal depletion 

    • Genetic testing and analysis (eg DNA Life Growbaby)

    • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

    • Irritable bowel disease (IBD)

    • Functional / motility disorders

    • Reflux / GORD

    • Bloating

    • Dyspepsia

    • Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO)

    • Constipation

    • Diarrhoea

    • Diverticulitis 

    • Food intolerances (eg dairy or gluten) 

    • Coeliac Disease 

    • Parasites and other gut pathogens 

    • Liver conditions (fatty liver, MAFLD) 

    • Gallstones

    • Integrative oncology for colon cancer 

    • Gut microbiome testing (eg Co-Biome, Complete Microbiome mapping) 

    • Thyroid conditions (eg hypothyroidism, Hashimoto’s, Grave’s etc) 

    • Metabolic syndrome 

    • Weight concerns - anorexia to obesity 

    • Type 2 diabetes 

    • HPA axis dysfunction and ‘adrenal fatigue’

    • Blood pressure / hypertension  

    • Cardiovascular disease

    • High cholesterol / hyperlipidaemia 

    • Cardiomyopathy

    • Angina 

    • Postural orthostatic tachycardia (POTS) 

    • Tachycardia

    • Atrial Fibrillation 

    • Peripheral vascular disease

    • Raynaud's syndrome 

    • Coronary artery disease

    • Atherosclerosis 

    • Varicose veins and vascular disorders 

    • Anaemia 

    • Genetic testing to prevent cardiovascular disease

    • Anxiety / GAD

    • Depression / low moods

    • Stress / HPA axis dysfunction 

    • Insomnia and sleep disorders 

    • Burnout 

    • PTSD / trauma 

    • ADHD & neurodiversity

    • Alcohol use disorder

    • Addictions 

    • Smoking cessation 

    • Distorted eating 

    • Eating disorder naturopathic support (*must be medically stable) 

    • Cognitive support

    • Headaches & migraines 

    • Peripheral neuropathy 

    • Tremors 

    • Dementia prevention 

    • Cognitive function

    • Colds/flus/virus  

    • COVID support 

    • Epstein Barr virus (EBV) 

    • Stealth pathogens 

    • Chronic infections

    • CFS/ME 

    • Autoimmune conditions (eg rheumatoid arthritis) 

    • Allergies and intolerances 

    • Mould illness 

    • Herpes simplex virus 

    • Asthma

    • Acne 

    • Rosacea 

    • Perioral dermatitis 

    • Dermatitis 

    • Eczema 

    • Psoriasis 

    • Cold sores 

    • Gut-skin axis support 

    • Gut microbiome testing

    • Alopecia 

    • Hair loss and thinning 

    • Nail disorders 

    • Fungal infections 

    • Skin infections 

    • Skin cancer prevention 

    • Skin cancer holistic managemen

    • Conditions affecting multiple body systems

    • Fibromyalgia

    • Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS/ME) 

    • Chronic pain

    • Chronic inflammatory response syndrome (CIRS)

    • Osteoporosis / osteopenia 

    • Muscle pain

    • Injury prevention and healing 

    • Chronic pain and inflammation 

    • Rheumatoid arthritis

    • Osteoarthritis 

    • Fibromyalgia 

    • Nerve pain

    • Optimal nutrition for performance

    • Injury prevention and recovery

    • Hypothalamic amenorrhea recovery 

    • RED-S (relative energy deficiency in sports)

  • In conjunction with conventional therapies, I assist with the management of cancer treatment side effects and the recovery post-treatments. Side effects naturopathy can assist with include: 

    • Digestive issues

    • Nausea

    • Fatigue

    • Peripheral neuropathy

    • Pain

    • Weight loss / anorexia 

    I can also help to create a holistic health plan to help to prevent the cancers you’re genetically predisposed to.

    • TruDiagnostic TruAge functional testing and analysis 

    • Holistic healthcare plans for optimising healthspan 

    • Disease prevention and management 

    • Functional testing to optimise the functioning of all body systems affected by ageing.

    • Nutritional analysis 

    • Nutrient optimisation 

    • Functional pathology analysis  

    • Personalised dietary interventions

    • Allergies and intolerances

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