Questions & answers

Choosing the right naturopath to guide you on your health journey is a big decision, and I understand how important it is to feel confident and informed. To help you make the best choice, I’ve created a comprehensive list of frequent question I get asked. This is where you can find answers to all your questions. I encourage you to explore it so you feel fully prepared and confident in your decision.

  • Yes, I offer 15 minute discovery calls if you’d like to discuss in detail which package or consult type is right for you. You are also welcome to email your questions through (free).

  • Yes, the packages are set up to be paid in instalments. The instalment amounts and timing is different for each package so please read the terms for each package type.

  • I don’t offer FULL refunds of the packages but if after the first consult you do not wish to continue, you are not bound to a contract which states you must pay the remainder of the fees. Please read the Terms and Conditions.

  • If you cancel within 48hrs and don’t wish to reschedule, you can opt to be fully refunded or your appt can be rescheduled to another time. Please read the cancellation policy for details

  • I cover this in detail under the ‘about’ section. If you’re unsure about how naturopathy can help you or don’t know which service is right for you, feel free to book in for a discovery call or email your questions through.

  • It’s important to note that the healing journey is non-linear and there may not necessarily be a ‘final outcome’. Your health and wellness needs will change and fluctuate over time so I work with you where you are at. My clients note the best outcomes when they’ve worked with me at least once a month for 6 months or 12 months for more complex cases. For preconception care, allow a minimum of 3 to 6 months.

  • Each functional test has a different cost. They can range from $100-$700. I will let you know the cost before I recommend it for you.

  • They all differ - usually 1 week to a month for most tests but some of the genetic tests or TruAge can take 2-3 months.

  • Yes, I acknowledge that things can come up, or test results are held up. I allow a two month grace period on the end of the packages. But I will also consider each individual circumstance if you need more time.

  • Yes, I provide plenty of recipes based on your unique nutrition requirements. However, I don’t prescribe strict meal plans unless you have a medical condition that requires one or are an athlete working towards a specific goal. I don’t promote restrictive dietary plans or even horribly restrictive elimination diets. My goal is to help you achieve your most optimal health and wellbeing so I work with where you’re at, and what is going to be most beneficial for you. In most cases, that does not require a strict meal plan.

  • Given I have a lived experience of an eating disorder myself, I love assisting women through their recovery journey. However, to work with me, it is advised that you are also working with your general practitioner and clinical psychologist.  

  • Yes, I provide ‘integrative medicine’ - meaning, I work collaboratively with general practitioners and specialists in order to achieve your best outcomes. This may mean you are also taking pharmaceuticals or require surgical intervention and as a naturopath, I integrate naturopathic interventions to complement and support the other treatments you may be receiving. There are times where conventional medicines can cause side effects (eg chemotherapy) and some naturopathic interventions can help to reduce the side effects of those drugs.

  • I work with all individuals, however many naturopaths have some special interest areas. You can read more about my special interests under ‘services’ - if you don’t see your condition listed there, feel free to email and I let you know if I’m the best person for you or if I can refer you to one of my colleagues who love working with your specific concerns.

  • After the package has finished, you have the option of buying either an additional 3 month package OR individuals consults as needed. Please review all naturopathic consult options to see the options or chat to me and I can provide guidance on what is best for you.

  • You are not only paying for the time spent in your consult - there are often hours spent behind the scenes working on research, comprehensive written treatment plans, functional testing and pathology analysis and reporting, messages via Practice Better, nutrient analysis, custom recipes and the list goes on. So the consult and package fees also cover this extra time spent. I also don’t see back-to-back clients so I can put the extra time into your unique case. Working in this way means I’m not rushed, I’m always on time and you won’t have a burned out practitioner.

Do you have any more questions? I'd be more than happy to answer them.